The Bariani Road Race was yesterday. Great race, great course, well run event. The weather wasn't too bad, some wind, a little rain, a little hail, but not bad.
My day started ok, I was too far back from the start. The narrow roads made it really hard to move up, and there was a lot of speed up/ slow down going on as the accordian effect played its part. Then came the climb, not even much of a climb really, but then, I'm not much of a climber. Somehow I went from being mid-pack to back of pack at the bottom of the climb (I think from people dropping off moreso than people passing me). About 30m from the top, I was dangling off the back, struggling to latch back on, and I popped. After muttering some expletives about getting dropped (again) I realized I needed to gear down, spin over the hill and try and blast the downhill to latch back on. One problem, the F&^%ing derailer won't budge, nothing, the lever is completely locked up. So I'm mashing the big ring trying to get over this little hill that has managed to separate me from the group, I get to the top, and I pull over to fix the stupid bike! WTF?? I was at the top of the hill, I didn't need the stupid little ring anymore! Yeah, just a little shy of brilliant there.
So I spent the next 2+ laps busting ass to salvage what I could, and at least make it a good training ride. Resulting in a most awesome 35th, out of 41 finishers, and a few DNF's.
Lot's more racing coming up, I need to step things up or it's going to be a very humiliating few weeks.
But enough about my own failings, let's turn to Failblog so I can laugh at the failings of others.
To wit:
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
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