Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ya Know

I try to be culturaly sensitive. Especially growing up in the US, where all our culture is stolen borrowed from everywhere else. But seriously China, WTF? Who comes up with this crap?

BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese health authorities are putting a stop to restaurants serving chickens which have been bitten to death by poisonous snakes and cooked up for a supposedly detoxing meal.

followed by:

One dish, prized among some in Guangdong, is monkey brains scooped from a live animal, which has regularly upset animal rights campaigners in the West.

I think I'll just stick with beer.

Researchers at Granada University in Spain have come across a discovery that will undoubtedly please athletes and sports enthusiasts - a pint of beer post-workout or match is better at rehydrating the human body than water.

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