Starting with the astonishing odds that the Earth was formed (and if you don't believe that the Earth was formed, just leave.) and the Humans evolved in the first place, the odds of two people ever meeting have to be incalculably small. At least that's how I see it. If Stephen Hawking wants to tell me I'm wrong, then I'll listen, otherwise I'll continue to believe it.
The way I see it, on any given day I am in loose contact with hundreds of people. Potentially there are dozens of these with which interaction is accessible. Given that some people are more gregarious than others, maybe a couple/few of these interaction take place. For simplicity, let's just say that I'll interact with one new person a day (this is probably small, but will work to illustrate the point). Over three years, that's almost 1100 people. Thinking back over those three years, I can easily remember the people who have made an impact on my life, there were 19. Of those 19, the amount that had an actual influence on my life...
sidetrack. Impact means that meeting the person made an impression on me. For whatever reason, meeting this person caused a bump that jostled me from cruising through life unawares.
... is 6. Six people, out of 1095 is .5%. By comparison, this is only a slightly higher percentage than of me getting killed by gunshot.
The point of all this is:
Laura has moved on to hopefully better things. She made my job, and my life, better by her presense. Since no one can replace her, we're not going to try.
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
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